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For this assignment, we are tasked to pick 2 objects from 2 categories and draw them in different perspectives in a precise and technical manner. Both drawings must be done on an A4 paper and in pencil. We were told to use tools and avoid freehand drawing for the second category as it a technical drawing.


In the first week, I chose banana and an XBOX controller to draw. I took pictures of the banana and used them as reference for my drawings. For the rendered drawing, I had to look up how to draw them since I had never tried to draw rendered drawings. The trick for me was to draw it as realistically as possible.

The following week, I had started to draw my XBOX controller. There was a few flaws that the lecturer pointed out however, which is that the drawing wasn't entirely flat and there are some 3D elements into some parts of the drawing. I also had draw the section drawing wrong and had to redraw them.

Later on, I have fixed my drawings based on my lecturer's comments. I redrew my section drawing and did a lot of research on the section of the XBOX controller since I won't be able to cut the controller in half.


Overall, this assignment was fun mainly because I also like drawing. It also has helped me to improve my drawing skills and introduced me the basics of technical drawing which I might use for future studies.

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